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School of Communication


About the School

As a School of Communication student, you will gain the hands-on experience that matters in the real world.

Immerse yourself in learning through experiences that take you outside the classroom and into professional settings. Plus, at Westminster, you don't have to wait until you are an upperclass student--you will start bulding your resume your first semester on campus.

Design your future and become a leader in storytelling, broadcasting and sports, creative and social media, or public and strategic communication. Position yourself for immediate real-world opportunities as producers, journalists, content creators and experienced storytellers, following in the footsteps of our highly successful graduates who include award-winning professionals who work for ESPN and the Pittsburgh Steelers and with Grammy-winning musicians and Rock and Roll Hall-of-Famers.



Experiences & Opportunities

At Westminster, learning isn’t limited to the classroom. In each of our 50+ majors and pre-professional programs, your education will be enhanced by the purposeful combination of expert classroom instruction and hands-on learning opportunities. Internships, undergraduate research and studying abroad are just a few of the real experiences our students get that lead to real success after graduation.

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Faculty & Academic Staff

Teachers, researchers, experts, mentors...our faculty members are all these things and more to their students. They trained in universities around the globe, but they chose to teach and conduct research at Westminster because of the focus on student development and success. Their dedication to mentoring and teaching is evident in our students’ success when it comes to graduation rates, post-graduation employment and graduate and professional school acceptance.

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