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Buckle up and let’s take a trip to outer space. The Westminster College Planetarium is a 45 seat full-dome theater housed in the Hoyt Science Resources Center. Professors and other astronomical professionals take students and members of the community on a tour throughout the depths of outer space through multimedia astronomy shows free of charge.

The Westminster College Planetarium is open for in-person shows! If you have any questions or concerns, please email


 Request a Private Group Show


Westminster College Department of Physics
120 Hoyt Science Resources Center
319 South Market Street
New Wilmington, PA 16172


Upcoming Planetarium Shows


Mar 26, 2025

6:00 PM

Drifting North: The Arctic Pulse
Hoyt 116

Follow an international team of scientists from over 20 countries as they embark on an epic year-long expedition to the Central Arctic, MOSAiC. The Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) team froze the German Icebreaker R/V Polarstern into the sea ice for a year. For a year, the team drifts with an ice floe and strives to understand the Arctic climate system and its future.

This show is recommended for grades 3+ (ages 8+).

Reserve your seats here!


Apr 4, 2025

6:00 PM

Drifting North: The Arctic Pulse
Hoyt 116

Follow an international team of scientists from over 20 countries as they embark on an epic year-long expedition to the Central Arctic, MOSAiC. The Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Arctic Climate (MOSAiC) team froze the German Icebreaker R/V Polarstern into the sea ice for a year. For a year, the team drifts with an ice floe and strives to understand the Arctic climate system and its future.

This show is recommended for grades 3+ (ages 8+).

Reserve your seats here!

Apr 16, 2025

6:00 PM

Forward! to the Moon
Hoyt 116

Kari Byron from Crash Test World and MythBusters launches us on a journey beyond the Earth towards a sustainable future in space. NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman and person of color on the surface of the Moon.

This show is recommended for grades 3+ (ages 8+).

Reserve your seats here!

Apr 25, 2025

6:00 PM

Forward! to the Moon
Hoyt 116

Kari Byron from Crash Test World and MythBusters launches us on a journey beyond the Earth towards a sustainable future in space. NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon Goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman and person of color on the surface of the Moon.

This show is recommended for grades 3+ (ages 8+).

Reserve your seats here!



For reservations or questions about the Planetarium, contact Katie Miller.

Katie E. Miller

Academic Administrative Assistant
Katie E. Miller