Buckle up and let’s take a trip to outer space. The Westminster College Planetarium is a 45 seat full-dome theater housed in the Hoyt Science Resources Center. Professors and other astronomical professionals take students and members of the community on a tour throughout the depths of outer space through multimedia astronomy shows free of charge.
The Westminster College Planetarium is open for in-person shows! If you have any questions or concerns, please email planetarium@westminster.edu.
Westminster College Department of Physics
120 Hoyt Science Resources Center
319 South Market Street
New Wilmington, PA 16172
6:00 PM
Journey back in time to see the night sky 2000 years ago. What was it that brought the Magi from the East to a little town in Palestine? Who were the wise men? Were there just three? Did they come from Persia, Babylon or Ethiopia? Did they follow a visible star to Jerusalem? Was Jesus born 2005 years ago? Is December 25th his real birthday?
The Star of Bethlehem takes you to the time of mystery, in a planetarium show produced by the Houston Museum of Natural Science that answers these questions and more, as audiences search for a celestial object that could have led the wise men to the Christ child. A planet was called a "wandering star." A meteor was a "shooting star." And a comet was a "hairy star" because its tail looked like a beard. These are all candidates in our search. See the new research of a triple conjunction that may have been the sign in the East of the new Messiah.
This show is recommended for grades 1+ (ages 5+).
Please reserve a spot for the show here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/998576147137?aff=oddtdtcreator
For reservations or questions about the Planetarium, contact Katie Miller.