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Westminster Students Attend Supreme Court Session

Several Westminster College students recently toured the nation's capital and attended the Supreme Court's public session.

"We actually heard an important decision," said Russell Mills, a senior political science major from Pittsburgh.  "It was about investment retirement accounts and how the courts cannot seize them when a person declares bankruptcy."

"The students were free Saturday and Sunday to explore the city," said Dr. Edward Cohen, associate professor of political science and chair of Law PAC.  "They visited a variety of places including the Holocaust Museum, the National Cathedral, and the National Gallery of Art.  Some also explored the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the World War II Memorial, and the Jefferson Memorial.  Thirteen of the students and I took a tour of the Capitol building.  We were escorted by a staff member from Congresswoman Melissa Hart's office."

The trip was sponsored by Westminster's Pre-Law Association and Law PAC.  For more information, contact Cohen at (724) 946-7304 or e-mail

Bleasby Colloquium Features Poetry Reading

Dr. David Swerdlow, professor of English at Westminster College, will present "The Nests and Other Poems, A Reading" at the Bleasby Colloquium Thursday, Feb. 16, at 7 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "I will be reading poems from my new book manuscript, The Nests," Swerdlow said.  "This manuscript, which I completed during my fall sabbatical, is a contemporary sonnet sequence inspired by love and grief."

This colloquium is the fourth in a series of events scheduled for the George Bleasby Colloquia, a series of literary events in honor of Dr. Bleasby, who chaired the Department of English at Westminster from 1954-75.

 Swerdlow, who has been with Westminster College since 1990, earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Maryland and his master's and Ph.D. from Purdue University.

The event is free and open to the public.  Contact Swerdlow at (724) 946-7345 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. David Swerdlow

Faculty Forum Continues at Westminster College

Dr. Phyllis Kitzerow, professor of sociology at Westminster College, will present Faculty Forum Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 11:30 a.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center Theater.

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Westminster College Career Center Hosts Etiquette Dinner and Dress for Success Style Show

The Westminster College Career Center recently hosted an etiquette dinner and dress for success style show for students.

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Sandi Patty to Sing at Westminster College

Five-time Grammy award winner Sandi Patty will sing at Westminster College, Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 8 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Westminster Welcomes Class of 2010 with Opening Convocation Aug. 25

Westminster College will welcome the class of 2010 with the traditional Opening Convocation Friday, Aug. 25, at 1:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Westminster Alumnus Authors Book on Cancer Survival

Sean Swarner, a 1997 Westminster College graduate from Boulder, Colo., recently authored Keep Climbing: How I Beat Cancer and Reached the Top of the World.

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Student Groups Make a Difference

Special Olympics
First Book-Westminster
Mortar Board
Preschool Lab
College Feminists

Several Westminster College student groups participated in Make a Difference Day at the end of October.

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Students Travel to Africa

Westminster group with orphans at Likhabula Camp in Malawi

Two Westminster College staff members accompanied a group of 14 students to South Africa and Malawi as part of a travel cluster course in May.

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Peace Studies Coffeehouse to Focus on Anti-Semitism and the Holocaust

Rabbi Daniel Roberts
Elaine Rembrandt

The Westminster College Peace Studies Coffeehouse on anti-Semitism and the Holocaust will be held Wednesday, March 25, at 5:15 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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