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Westminster College Associate Professor Presents at American Psychological Association Convention

Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, associate professor of psychology, presents reasearch at the American Psychological Association convention.

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, Westminster College associate professor of psychology and interim director of Adult & Graduate Studies, gave two presentations at the annual convention of the American Psychological Association July 31-Aug 4 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

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Department of Economics and Business hosted the second annual Summer Analyst Program

Six student intern analysts successfully defended an analysis of a publicly-traded manufacturing firm before a panel of expert judges. The program is an experiential learning event designed to replicate an internship on Wall Street. Student intern analysts review more than 1,000 pages of publicly-available financial documents and use real-world methods to prepare a full analysis of a publicly-traded firm under the supervision of a professional financial analyst. The program is open to students of all majors.

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Westminster College Purchases "Oxford Dictionary of National Biography"

Westminster College has received a copy of the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, a 60-volume reference work.

 "This is a work which makes superlatives superfluous," writes a columnist for the New York Times.  "Running 11 feet along the shelf and weighing in at a healthy defensive end's 280 pounds, the D.N.B.'s 60 volumes contain 60,000 pages and some 60 million words.  More than 10,000 contributors have written a total of 54,922 essays on the worthies (as well as the worthless) who make up the fabric of British history."

 "I am pleased to report that Westminster's copy of this work was delivered and will be appearing on the shelves in the reference room of McGill Library shortly," said Molly Spinney, head librarian at Westminster College.

 For more information, contact Spinney at (724) 946-7323 or e-mail

Westminster Professor Presents Two Papers at Conference

Dr. Andrea Grove, assistant professor of political science at Westminster College, recently presented two papers at the International Studies Association conference in Honolulu.

Her first presentation was "Simulating Global Politics, Stimulating Students: Pretending to Make Introductory IR Courses More Real."

"Employing simulation in the international relations classroom is an excellent method for engaging students in more active learning than often permitted by more passive approaches," Grove said.  "This technique, when carefully designed and executed, is especially useful for communicating to students the multidimensional and complex nature of diplomatic, military, economic, political and cultural relations among states.  My paper presents an argument for using a particular four-day simulation as a capstone to an introductory IR course, which I have used eight times in four years.  While the experiences of the students during active learning approaches are often a topic of discussion, teacher-scholars also need to spend time discussing appropriate methods for getting students to tie in the role-playing with themes from the preceding fourteen weeks of the course."

The second paper was titled, "Searching for Bellwethers: Examining Representations of Northern Irish, Palestinian, and Israeli Leaders."

"In this paper, I look at two protracted conflicts, Israel-Palestine and Northern Ireland, and show that the ways in which leaders of each community in both Northern Ireland and the Middle East had clear impacts on behavior initiated by the other side, but little impact on the behavior of their own side.  In this paper, there is a search for bellwethers , individuals or groups whose variations in verbal representations seem to be key to the path of conflict."

Grove, who has been with Westminster College since 2000, earned her undergraduate degree from the University of Georgia, her master's from Lancaster University, and her Ph.D. from The Ohio State University.

Contact Grove at (724) 946-7254 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Andrea Grove

Student Government Association Gets New Government Representatives

Forty-five Westminster College students were selected by their peers to the positions in the Student Government Association (SGA) for the 2006-2007 academic year. 
SGA, which consists of nine students on the executive slate and 12 senators for each of the upper classes, governs and provides entertainment for the student body.  Overall, SGA serves as a connection between the students and the Westminster College faculty and administration. 

 Contact Matthew Kerns, SGA president, at for more information. 

Westminster Celebrity Series Welcomes Celtic Sensation "Leahy"

Leahy, performers of Celtic music and step-dance, will appear at the Westminster College Celebrity Series Monday, Oct. 13, at 8 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Westminster College Diversity Symposium Finishes February with Three Programs

The Westminster College Diversity Symposium finishes February with three events, which are free and open to the public.

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Faculty Forum Continues at Westminster College

Dr. Bethany Hicok, assistant professor of English at Westminster College, will continue Westminster's Faculty Forum Wednesday, Sept. 25, at 11:30 a.m. in Patterson Hall room 311.

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Noted Cellist and Pianist to Give Recital at Westminster Sept. 30

Cellist Barbara Thiem and pianist Theresa Bogard will perform Saturday, Sept. 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

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Worldwatch Institute President to Speak on Breaking America's Oil Addiction

Christopher Flavin

Energy expert Christopher Flavin will speak about Breaking America's Oil Addiction at Westminster College Thursday, April 19, at 9:30 a.m. in the Witherspoon Room of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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