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Broadcast Communications Lecturer Presented at National Conference

Brad Weaver

Bradley Weaver, Westminster College broadcast communications lecturer, presented three papers at the Broadcast Education Association conference April 9-13 held in conjunction with the National Association of Broadcasters convention in Las Vegas.

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Dr. James Rhoads Earns 2012-2013 Henderson Lectureship Award

Dr. James Rhoads

Dr. James Rhoads, Westminster College professor of political science, has earned the 2012-2013 Henderson Lectureship Award.

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Westminster College Associate Director of Admissions to Visit Local High Schools

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Gina Sharbaugh, Westminster College associate director of admissions, will be visiting local high schools Nov. 19-21.

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Westminster College to Host Campus Visitation Days

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College Admissions will host Campus Visitation Days Sept.  28 and Oct. 19.

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2015 STEM Jobs Approved Colleges List Released

Westminster College announced that it has been designated a 2015 STEM Jobs Approved College by Victory Media, the leader in successfully connecting individuals in transition with education and career opportunities, and creator of STEM Jobs media, education and career resources for students interested in science, technology, engineering and math. The 2015 STEM Jobs Approved Colleges inaugural list is the first of its kind to rate universities, colleges, community colleges and trade schools on their responsiveness and relevance to high demand, high growth STEM occupations.

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Westminster's Men's Chorus to Attend "A Young Men's Song Festival"

The Westminster College Men's Chorus will attend "A Young Men's Song Festival" Monday, Nov. 1, from 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at North Hills Junior High School in Pittsburgh.

 "The festival called 'Mucho Macho Music' will be attended by 200 young men from grades six to nine and their directors," said Dr. Robin Lind, director of choral activities at Westminster College.  "We will be the guest ensemble and will provide leadership by performing for them and with them."

 Festival hosts include Lind, Shaun Cloonan, a 2000 Westminster College graduate who is a music teacher at North Hills Junior High School, and Lisa Jaworowski, who has taught at Westminster and is currently a music teacher in the Moon Area School District.  Ashley Rexrode, a Westminster College senior music education major from Farmington, will provide accompaniment for the festival.

Dr. Kenneth Phillips, a 1967 Westminster College graduate and current professor of music at Gordon College, is the guest conductor at the festival.  Phillips is a noted specialist in adolescent vocal production.

The festival will include rehearsals of music for the male changing voice, a workshop for directors about working with the male changing voice, and an informal performance at the end of the day by the Westminster College Men's Chorus, and the Young Men's Festival Chorus.

For more information, contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or e-mail

Students Earn Master of Education Degrees at Westminster College

Twenty-seven students were awarded master of education degrees at Westminster College during commencement exercises Saturday, May 14.

The Graduate Program at Westminster College is a place for professionals who are serious about their professional development. The graduate faculty recognizes the unique needs and circumstances of adult learners and strives to create an environment in which students will succeed in their academic, professional and personal pursuits. Graduate study at Westminster College leads students towards intellectual and professional growth through specialized course work, field experiences and personalized interaction with experienced and dedicated faculty.

The Master of Education degree is offered in school counseling, reading specialist, educational administration, education, English, and history. Additionally, the Graduate Program offers courses of study that lead to certification and/or licensure as a school counselor, K-12 principal, superintendent, and reading specialist.

They are as follows:

Butler, PA
 Brian Slamecka specialized in counselor education.

Cabot, PA
 Lauren Martin specialized in reading.

Cranberry Township, PA
 Megan Kohler specialized in administration.

Ellwood City, PA
 Lauralee Zelesnak specialized in counselor education.

Hermitage, PA
 Shawn Algoe specialized in administration.
 Tanya Moschillo specialized in counselor education.

Girard, PA
 John Latell Jr. specialized in administration.

Knox, PA
 Lori Kersey specialized in counselor education.

Mercer, PA
 Laura Harper specialized in reading.

Montour, PA
 Jennifer Kosanovic specialized in administration.

New Castle, PA
 Rebekah Borrelli specialized in administration.
 Ralph Litrenta specialized in administration.
Carolyn McVicker specialized in reading.
 Staci Norris specialized in administration.
 Bess Ondako specialized in counselor education.
 Jennifer Wheelock specialized in administration.

New Wilmington, PA
 George Endrizzi specialized in administration.
 Pamela Onderko specialized in counselor education.
 Natalie Yingling specialized in counselor education.

Pittsburgh, PA
 Michael O'Connor specialized counselor education.

Sharon, PA
 Taryn Powell specialized in counselor education.

West Middlesex, PA
 Robyn Fette specialized in administration.

Volant, PA
 Shannon Liposky specialized in reading.

Canfield, OH
 Debra Mortimer specialized in administration.

Columbiana, OH
 Stacy Blasko specialized in education.

Rome, OH
 David Cedar specialized in counselor education.

Struthers, OH
 Brad Clyde specialized in administration.

Westminster Gospel Choir at New Castle Playhouse

The Westminster Gospel Choir will perform Friday, March 31, at 6 p.m. at the New Castle Playhouse.

 Under the direction of James Henderson Jr., the 40-member choir will perform with Da Truth, True Worship, flag teams, step squads, and much more.

 The event is sponsored by Westminster College, New Castle Playhouse, and One Love Productions and is free and open to the public.

 Contact the Westminster College Chapel Office at (724) 946-7115 for more information.

Bleasby Colloquium Continues at Westminster College

Dr. Randy Hendricks, author and professor of English at the State University of West Georgia College, will speak at the Bleasby Colloquium, Thursday, Sept. 18, at 7 p.m. in the McKelvey Campus Center room 219.

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Nationally-Known Soprano to Give Recital at Westminster College

Jennifer Davis Jones, nationally-known soprano, will give a recital at Westminster College Wednesday, Jan. 31, at 7:30 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel.

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