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Students Plan Spring Break Work Trip to Bahamas

Eight Westminster College students will spend their spring break teaching basic baseball skills to elementary students March 6-14 in Deadman's Cay, Long Island, Bahamas.

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"Get Real!" Series to Host "Living Green" Panel

Westminster College's "Get Real!" life preparation series will present a panel on "Living Green" Wednesday, Nov. 3.

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Mathematics Professor Taught in Summer Program for Undergraduate Women

Summer Mathematics Program participants. Dr. Pamela Richardson is in the back row, far right.

Dr. Pamela Richardson, Westminster College assistant professor of mathematics, taught at the Carleton College Summer Mathematics Program for Undergraduate Women in Northfield, Minn., June 19-July 17.

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History Major Honored for "Best Paper" at Regional Conference

Luke Franchuk

Westminster College senior history major Luke Franchuk was honored for the best paper presented on his panel at the Western Pennsylvania Regional Phi Alpha Theta (national history honor society) conference March 17 at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe.

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Westminster College Associate Professor to Discuss Sabbatical at Faculty Forum

Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, associate professor of psychology

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Dr. Jamie G. McMinn, Westminster associate professor of psychology, will present "A Big Bang Sabbatical" at the Faires Faculty Forum Wednesday, Nov. 28, at 11:40 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater of the McKelvey Campus Center.

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Westminster College Admissions Staff to Visit Local High Schools

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College admissions staff will be visiting local high schools Sept. 23-26.

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Westminster Students Spend Summer Exploring Careers

Westminster College students are encouraged to explore careers through the liberal arts education and internships.

 "I took a black and white photography class with Peggy Cox," said Willis Bretz, a senior history major from Pulaski.  "I was a couple of weeks into this class, when my interest in photography sparked, and I realized that it was something I really enjoyed."

 Westminster College requires its students to take courses in foreign language, humanity and culture, quantitative reasoning, religious and philosophical thought, scientific discovery, social thought and tradition, and visual and performing arts to meet requirements for graduation.

One of the photos Bretz took in his Westminster photography class will soon be published in "Endless Journeys," a coffee table book, and a sports photo he took for The Holcad, Westminster's student newspaper, won the American Scholastic Journalist Press Association's Outstanding News Photograph Award for his entry titled "Titans Play Home Opener." 

 This summer Bretz used his history knowledge and his interest in photography, which was sparked by a required class, to the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in an internship.

 "I was a history major, but I went as a photography intern," Bretz said.  "I documented the restoration of the Enterprise space shuttle.  I set up the lighting and took photos that were requested.  One of my photos was blown up into an eight by ten foot poster for their travel exhibit."

 "It's amazing to work with people like NASA scientists," Bretz continued.  "I was really into history especially World War II, and now I've expanded into flight history."

 Many of Westminster's majors encourage internships for practical on-the-job experience outside the classroom.

 Kimberly Clark, a senior biology major from Corry, recently completed an internship with Wildlife Safari, a non-profit 600 acre drive-through wildlife conservation, educational, and research park in Oregon.

 "I applied in March, and was one of 200 applicants, so I was surprised to receive a telephone interview," Clark said.  "I found out later that they were impressed by what they termed 'my professional attitude,' my cover letter, and the fact that I had worked with a vet."

 "When I arrived, I was placed on the team that would be hand rearing four cheetah cubs that had been pulled from their mother, who was not taking care of them," Clark said.  "The experience of raising these cubs was not only a gift, but an inspiration, as I now have found a new passion for animal conservation."

 "I feel privileged to have been part of helping in the fight for the survival of this beautiful species," Clark continued.  "Each day at Wildlife brought on different hurdles and amazing experiences that few have a chance to share in.  This internship helped me decide what I want to do.  I'm going to grad school to study zoology, and then to animal conservation somewhere."

 Kristin Kronstain, a junior history major from Wexford, recently studied in Russia.

 "I took a course in high school in Russian history, and one of my Westminster history professors, Dr. (Russ) Martin, knew about my interest in this area of history," Kronstain said.  "Dr. Martin told me about this trip to Russia, where Davidson College students met up with an alumna, Yeygenia Anutyunan, so I signed up and went with three other students from Davidson College to Russia."

 "I registered for two classes at Mgimo College, one in Russian history and one in Russian language," Kronstain continued.  "I never had classes in the language, and it was hard for me partly because I spent much of my free time traveling seeing what I had studied about in previous classes.  I went to see Lenin's body in glass, traveled by train for a weekend in Suzdal, and spent a week in St. Pertersburg.  I even visited the Kremlin, which is much easier for a foreigner to get into than a native."

 "When I got home, Dr. Martin agreed to teach me Russian in an independent study," Kronstain said.  "I'm learning the language in an independent study on a one-to-one basis.  This trip just increased my need to know more about Russian history.  I know I want to go on to grad school, but I'm still not sure what career path that will take me."

 Samantha Baldwin, a senior international politics major from Randolph, N.Y., spent her summer as a camp counselor in a Northern Ireland summer camp for children ages 6-15.

 "I started college as a biology major, but I changed to international politics because of a class I had to take," said Baldwin.  "It opened a whole new world to me.  I never thought that this would be the path I would take."

 "I gained a lot of confidence about what I wanted to do with my life at this camp," Baldwin said.  "I have a minor in peace studies, and this camp provided me the opportunity to work with Catholic and Protestant children together.  The camp is trying to ease tensions and teach the children how much they are alike."

 "We made small steps to correct what has happened in Northern Ireland," Baldwin said.  "I know now that I want to go to grad school for international conflict and peace resolution.  I want to know that the work I do will affect people in a positive way."

 For more information about Westminster College, contact Jackie Meade, director of the career center at (724) 946-7343 or e-mail

Willis Bretz
Kimberly Clark
Kristin Kronstain
Samantha Baldwin

Westminster Offers Youth Foundation Theatre Camp

Westminster College is offering Foundation Theatre Camp for 26 junior or high school students July 18-22 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at Beeghly Theater.

"The goal of the program is to enhance the love of theatre and performance," said Robert Allen, recent Westminster graduate and current graduate student at the Actors Studio Drama School.  "Each day will include a series of short lectures, improvisations, character building exercises, and rehearsals of short scenes, which will culminate in a performance to friends, family, and the general public at the end of the week."

 Contact Kathy Suosio at (724) 946-7110 or e-mail Allen at for more information about registration.

Media Advisory & Westminster Mummy to Reveal Her Secrets

Pesed, the 2,300-year-old Westminster College mummy, will reveal her secrets on Tuesday, April 4, during a 2 p.m. press conference at the Mack Science Library in Westminster's Hoyt Science Building.  The press conference will feature Pesed; Dr. Samuel Farmerie, Westminster curator of cultural artifacts; and Egyptologist Dr. Jonathan Elias.  A bust, created by noted forensic sculptor Frank Bender, of what Pesed would have looked like at the time of her death will be unveiled. 

*** Please call Mark Meighen at (724) 946-7191 or e-mail to confirm your attendance. ***

A public lecture and viewing will take place in Philips Lecture Hall of Hoyt Science Building at 7 p.m.  It is sponsored by the Biology, Chemistry, Religion, History, Philosophy and Classics Departments, along with the Tri-Beta Biology Honor Society and the Westminster History Interest Group.

Visit for more information about Pesed.

In Her Own Words (as shared through Dr. Samuel Famerie, Westminster curator of cultural artifacts) &

Some four years have passed since my return from the Egypt, the Untold Journey exhibit at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts (Harrisburg, PA).  While there some 30,000 people, mostly school children, came to visit me.  As a preliminary to that event my thoughts were transmitted via mental telepathy to the  Curator of  Westminster College's artifacts collection. In these reports the results of my medical work-up were shared with readers. 

My condition, like that of your 85-year-old grandmother, was not good.  The X-rays and CT Scans indicated many senior citizen type physical infirmities.  The medical reports are accessible to the public at   Knowledgeable people revealed my age and innermost physical secrets.  The Federal Right to Privacy legislation protects the living against such revelations, why not the deceased?  A mummy must be a second class citizen.  A girl just can't keep her secrets!  

The general public has seen my insides, but not the outside.  Suddenly, that has all changed.  Recently, the mummies of my countrymen, King Tut and the College of Wooster mummy Ta-irty-bai, were CT Scanned and the images were used to create busts.  I must say they were handsome individuals.  Not to be outdone, I was scanned for a second time this past summer at College Fields MRI.  This might be viewed by some a game of  one-ups-manship.  Scanning yields cross-sectional images of the body.  Both of the abovementioned scans consisted of fewer than 1800 images, mine was about 2500.
The images were used by scientists at the University of Manitoba to construct a skull.  It was forwarded to noted forensic sculptor Frank Bender to complete a bust.  The greater number of images produces a bust with more refined features.  In my case, the sculptor also factored in aging and the effect of an arid climate on the skin.  Unlike the other mummy busts, my wrinkles are readily apparent.  Alas, I had no Nivea Lotion or Oil of Olay.  I also have a sculpted hair piece.

 If you would like to observe the real me in my matronly years, please attend my public unveiling.  It will occur Tuesday, April 4, at 7 p.m. in the Philips Lecture Hall of the Hoyt Science Building on the Westminster College campus in New Wilmington, Pa.

 Attention dirty old men! Unless there is a Super Bowl style "costume malfunction", the unveiling will not the same as a disrobing and the bust to be revealed will be from the shoulders up, not the shoulders down.
Hope we see each other at the unveiling!

Pesed -- March 27, 2006

Pesed: The 2,300-year-old Westminster College Mummy

Pesed Fun Facts &
" Pesed, a 2,300-year-old mummy, has called Westminster home since 1885.  She was donated to the College by The Rev. John Giffen, an 1872 Westminster graduate who was working as a missionary in Egypt.

" She is believed to be the mummy of Lady Pesed, daughter of Neshor (prophet of the eight gods associated with Min). The mummy was excavated from the city of Akhmim, about 235 miles south of Cairo.

" Originally thought to have been a teenager at the time of her death, scientific evidence indicates Pesed lived to an age of 55-70.

" The mummy was purchased for $8 and shipped to the U.S. for $5 in 1885.

" The mummy's first trip off campus was to Greenville in Feb. 1886. She spent two weeks as part of the Citizen's Hose Company Exposition.

" Legend has it that Pesed enjoyed an active social life during her early days at Westminster and would appear in coed's beds during the early 1900s. The under side of the mummy case lid has graffiti in the form of student names scratched into the wood. The earliest dated 1899.

" As recently as 1980, some local high school students were involved in an abortive attempt to steal the mummy.

" The mummy has had four different residences on campus: Old Main Memorial, Mary Thompson Science Hall, McGill Library, and the Hoyt Science Resources Center (Mack Science Library).

" The mummy was professionally restored by Joan Gardner of the Carnegie Museum thanks to the energy and fundraising effort of Susan Grandy Graff, a 1985 Westminster graduate who tackled the project during her undergraduate years.

" Pesed, and over 100 other ancient Egytian artifacts from the Westminster College Cultural Artifacts Collection, were part of the 2001 "Egypt: Untold Journeys" exhibit at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts in Harrisburg.

" Dr. Jonathan Elias, Egyptologist, and the Akhmim Mummy Studies Consortium have helped solve many of Pesed's mysteries through radio-carbon dating, x-rays, CT scans, and forensic reconstructive modeling.

Visit for more information or contact Dr. Samuel Farmerie, Westminster curator of cultural artifacts, at (724) 946-7053 or e-mail

Pesed, Westminster's Mummy

Westminster College Marching Band Ready to Begin Season

The 98-member Westminster College Titan Marching Band will begin performances at the Mt. Lebanon Marching Band Festival Saturday, Sept. 13, and the Lawrence County Marching Band Festival Wednesday, Sept. 17.

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