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Westminster College Hosted Accounting Seminar

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College Department of Economics and Business hosted a dinner and seminar in November for accounting majors and students interested in a career in accounting. The seminar was sponsored by the Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA).

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Westminster College Admissions Staff to Visit Local High Schools

NEW WILMINGTON, Pa. - Westminster College admissions staff will be visiting local high schools Oct. 3-11.

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Music Department Announces Release of Faculty Member's CD

The Westminster College Department of Music is pleased to announce the recent release of "Language of Romance," a recording featuring Marie Libal-Smith, Westminster adjunct piano faculty, and Lara Lynn Cottrill, Pennsylvania native soprano.

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Westminster Faculty Forum Continues With Rock Star Films

Dr. Suzanne Prestien, assistant professor of English and public relations, will speak at Faculty Forum Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 11:45 a.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "My forum, The Good, the Bad, and the Incredibly Lucrative: Star Vehicles,' is about films that feature rock musicians," Prestien said.  "My talk will look at the conventions of this subgenre.  To accomplish this, I will compare the good' film like the Beatles A Hard Day's Night,' with the bad' movies like Elvis Presley's, Viva Las Vegas.'"

Faculty forum, established in 1990, serves as a venue for the exchange of ideas and information among Westminster College faculty.  Speakers present their research, teaching ideas, lectures, performances, special programs, and uses of technology to keep faculty informed about the work of colleagues from many disciplines.

 Prestien, who has been with Westminster College since 1997, earned her under graduate degree from Kent State University, her master's from the University of Toledo, and her Ph. D. Case Western Reserve University.

For more contact Prestien at (724) 946-7029 or e-mail

Dr. Suzanne Prestien

Westminster College Announces Summer Hires

Westminster College recently filled positions in its Science in Motion Department and the Student Affairs Office.

 Lori Martin was hired as secretary in the Science in Motion Department.  She attended Jamestown (N.Y.) Business College and was previously with New Castle Orthopedics. Martin resides on the family dairy farm in Volant with her husband, Blaine, and sons Justin, Austin and Ryan. She can be reached at 724-946-6295 or e-mail

Matthew G. Shaffer was hired in the Student Affairs Office as the  assistant director of residence life.  He will be focusing on supervision of community advisors, assisting with staff training, and with day to day operations. Shaffer received his undergraduate degree at Juniata College, where he was assistant director of campus activities and resident director. He earned a master's of student affairs in higher education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He may be reached at his office in Eichenauer Hall, at 724-946-7110 or e-mailed at

Students Take Top Places in Intercollegiate Honors Band

Five Westminster instrumentalists earned top spots at the 59th Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Honors Band held recently at Shippensburg University.

 The band is comprised of students from colleges and universities from across the state.  This year's band was chosen from 30 Pennsylvania colleges and universities.

 "I continue to be extremely proud of the talent of our instrumentalists," said Dr. R. Tad Greig, director of bands and assistant professor of music at Westminster College.  "This honors festival allows our instrumentalists to compete with students from outstanding university programs across our state.  Each year, our musicians consistently place at or near the top of their sections."

Zelienople, PA
 Jacob Moon, a son of Reid and Krista Moon, earned the first chair over six other euphonium players, allowing him the honor of playing a solo in the concert.  Moon, a sophomore music education major, is a graduate of Seneca Valley High School.

Grove City, PA
 Allison Henley, a daughter of Donald and Nancy Henley, earned a first chair in the second alto saxophone section.  Henley, a senior music education major, is a graduate of Grove City Area High School.

McDonald, PA
 Eric Walker, a son of Lewis and June Walker, earned the second chair of of seven tuba players.  Walker, a sophomore music education and political science major, is a graduate of West Allegheny High School.

Poland, OH
 Jenna Diorio, a daughter of Gary and Anna Marie Diorio, earned a fourth chair on clarinet.  Diorio, a junior English and music major, is a graduate of Boardman High School.

Crescent, PA
 Stephen Wheeler, a son of Frank and Terry Wheeler, placed second chair first bassoon.  Wheeler, a freshman mathematics and music major, is a graduate of Moon Area High School.

 Contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail for more information.

New Wilmington Community Arts & Heritage Festival Announces Schedule of Events

"If you and your family can't find something fun to do at the New Wilmington Community Arts & Heritage Festival, you're not trying hard enough," according to New Wilmington Area Chamber of Commerce President Tim Kelly.

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Westminster College Lifelong Learning Block Courses Begin Jan. 2

Westminster College offers block courses that enable busy adult students to get credit for two courses per semester while attending class only one night per week.

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Westminster College Offers Summer Academy for Teachers

Westminster College is offering four summer academies for teachers June 23-26 through the Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

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Westminster Hosting "Best Administrative Practices Series" for Educators

Westminster College's Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is hosting the second annual "Best Administrative Practices Series" Tuesday, Nov. 7, from 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. in the Witherspoon Rooms located at the McKelvey Campus Center.

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