The 34th annual Pennsylvania Music Educators Association District V Honors Chorus will perform at Westminster College Saturday, Nov. 18, at 2:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.
Westminster College's John and Elizabeth Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning will host a four-day academy for area elementary and high school teachers, "Teaching the 20th Century," June 24-27 in Thompson-Clark Hall.
The Academy features workshops in history, literature, and biology. Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. with refreshments and 9 a.m. meetings with professors in the chosen field. After lunch the afternoon sessions, which last until 2 p.m., meet in small seminar groups with teachers applying the material presented by professors earlier.
November's guest gallery exhibitor, Shawn Catterson, will demonstrate lighting techniques for taking better digital photographs Sunday, Nov. 5, at 6 p.m. in room 205 Thompson-Clark Hall.
The Westminster College Science in Motion Program at Westminster College is sponsoring workshops for teachers in biology, chemistry, and physics June 12-14 from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
The Corporation for National and Community Service named Westminster College to the President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll for exemplary service efforts and service to disadvantaged youth.
The Westminster College Board of Trustees added 10 members in its Class of 2012, including two first-time trustees.
Two Westminster College sports publications have earned national acclaim by the College Sports Information Directors of America (CoSIDA). Westminster's football and men's and women's tennis guides earned "Best Cover" honors in the 2008-09 CoSIDA Publication Contest.
Westminster College sophomore neuroscience major Justin King presented his psychology research project at the Consortium for Computing in Undergraduate Education (C-CUE) Student Technology Forum March 19 at Waynesburg University.
Westminster College music faculty performed a colleague's composition at the Society of Composers, Inc., national conference Nov. 14 at the University of South Carolina School of Music in Columbia.
Dr. Kang-Yup Na, Westminster College associate professor of religion, and Westminster students Addison Domske, Katelynn Gray, and Christine Moudry were part of the New Wilmington Mission Conference's Summer Service Team that visited Korea from June 6-July 19.
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