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Westminster College Organizations in Holiday Giving Spirit

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Posted on Monday, December 3, 2001

Several Westminster College organizations are giving for the holidays in various ways.

Alpha Psi Omega, a Westminster College theatre honor society, presented "Winnie-the-Pooh Christmas Tale," which entertained school children from several local elementary school and two free shows which were open to the public Dec. 1.

Kappa Delta sorority made Christmas cards for the children at Children's Hospital in Richmond, Va., which is one of their national philanthropies. Last weekend, sorority sisters spent a weekend camping with a girl scout troop from Lawrence County to help the scouts earn badges.

Sigma Kappa sorority organized and participated in a Toys for Tots activity, where the sisters take under-privileged children Christmas shopping for their families with the help of the Hermitage K-Mart. The sorority also makes Christmas cards for each resident of the Shenango Home in New Wilmington, and each November sends a monetary donation and food items to the Maine Sea Coast Mission, which supports families living on isolated islands off the coast of Maine.

Lambda Sigma, a sophomore leadership honor society, and the Student Government Association spearheaded a food drive in conjunction with the five national fraternities at Westminster. In November, a can of food was the required admission price to each fraternity. The food was donated to the local food bank to help needy families.

Mortar Board, a senior leadership honor society, recorded several series of children's books, so that they can be given as gifts to under-privileged schools and outreach programs, as well as programs for the seeing impaired.

Each year, all Westminster College Greek organizations on campus raise money for the Lynch family. Bill Lynch, a 1983 Westminster graduate, met Carolyn when he was a member of Theta Chi fraternity and she was a Zeta Tau Alpha - one of the fraternity's sweethearts. The couple married in 1986. But in 1991, Carolyn nearly died from an infection that had stolen half her lung capacity and ended her career as an elementary teacher. Then in 1996, Bill, who had no life insurance, collapsed and died from a heart aneurysm, and left Carolyn and their three children without an income.

The Westminster College Support Staff Organization quickly found support for 25 children of the Sankey Youth Center. Gifts were purchased and wrapped and donated to the children shortly after Thanksgiving.

The Westminster College Service Team set up the "Giving Tree," which provides 110 opportunities for Westminster College faculty, staff, and students to pick an ornament and provide a gift for needy families and foster children in Lawrence County.

For more information, contact Carol Eberhart at (724) 946-7190 or e-mail