Posted on Monday, March 10, 2025
Six students will represent Westminster College at the 77th annual Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Band Festival on March 14-16 at host school Kutztown University in Kutztown, Pa.
The Westminster band members will join select musicians from 17 college and universities from across Pennsylvania for three days of intensive rehearsals under guest conductor Dr. Mary Schneider, director of bands Eastern Michigan University. A culminating performance will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, March 16, in Schaeffer Auditorium on the Kutztown campus.
Participating Westminster College students are:
• Benjamin Burke ’26, trombone, from Crafton, Pa. Burke is a junior music education and music performance major and a graduate of Keystone Oaks High School.
• Timothy Mulcahy ’25, trombone, from Bradford, Pa. Mulcahy is a senior music and music education major and a graduate of Bradford Area High School.
• Shelby Pocono ’25, clarinet, from Shavertown, Pa. Pocono is a senior music education and music performance major and a graduate of Dallas High School.
• Shawn Redmond ’25, oboe, from Ellwood City, Pa. Redmond is a senior music performance major and a graduate of Laurel Junior-Senior High School.
• Morgan Ross ’26, bass and contrabass clarinet, from Summerville, Pa. Ross is a junior biology major and a graduate of Clarion-Limestone Area High School.
• Shannon Witkouski ’25, percussion, from Beaver, Pa. Witkouski is a music education and music performance major and a graduate of Beaver Area High School.
Founded in 1948, the Pennsylvania Intercollegiate Band Festival is the oldest operating intercollegiate band in the country.
To learn more about studying music at Westminster College, go to
Pictured above from left to right are Morgan Ross, Shawn Redmond, Ben Burke, Tim Mulcahy, Shannon Witkouski and Shelby Pocono.