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Westminster College to Celebrate Earth Day

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Posted on Wednesday, April 18, 2001

Westminster College plans to celebrate Earth Day, Saturday, April 21, from noon-10 p.m. at the Anderson Amphitheater.

Students in Action who Value the Environment (SAVE) sponsors this annual event of music, food and games.

Bands such as Froglodge, Dr. Strangelove, Kornerstone, Liquid, Mystery Hole, and Soze will perform continuously. There will also be an airbrush tattoo artist, a canoe race and other games that all have prizes. Free pizza will be available on a first-come basis beginning at 5 p.m.

"This year Westminster College will benefit from the event because we will be using the proceeds to buy new recycling bins to put around campus,' said Joshua Martin, president of SAVE and senior environmental science from Danville, Ohio.

SAVE, organized in 1989, is a student organization designed to raise consciousness about and improve conditions of the environment and to help students understand the ethical and moral issues of environmental awareness.

For more information, e-mail Martin at