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Westminster College Announces Undergraduate Summer School Courses

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Posted on Thursday, April 12, 2001

Westminster College will offer a variety of day and evening classes this summer with credits easily transferred to other institutions.

Westminster's undergraduate Summer Session runs from June 11 through July 23 with most daytime classes meeting from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. daily, and most evening classes meeting twice per week from 6-9:15 p.m.

Biology, chemistry, history, and physics will be offered daily, while accounting, art, computer science, education, English, history, political science, religion, sociology, speech, and writing will be available in the evening.

"Offering day and evening summer courses allows students to fit the courses into their summer work schedules," said Carol Yova, director of continuing education and lifelong learning. "Most course credits are easily transferred so area students from other institutions can return home for the summer and still make academic progress."

For more information, contact Yova at (724) 946-7353 or e-mail