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Westminster College Fraternity Enlists National Guard Help at Fraternity Pick Up

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Posted on Wednesday, March 28, 2001

Written by Robert Fisher, a sophomore broadcast communications major from Moon Township and vice president of communication, Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity.

The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity at Westminster College had some help from Uncle Sam on Westminster's annual spring fraternity pick recently. Officers from the First Battalion, 107th Field Artillery of the Pennsylvania National Guard worked with the brothers to prepare a military style ceremony during which the brothers picked up their new members.

The officers also organized all of the afternoon activities for the brothers and new members. These activities consisted of actual army drills and exercises set up at stations around the campus. They demanded a sense of teamwork and trust between the brothers.

Sigma Phi Epsilon Vice President of Programming Todd Lepovsky worked closely with the officers to organize the day. He says he realized the importance of teamwork in the day's activities.

"There was no way any of these obstacle courses could have been cleared by working alone. We all had to band together to accomplish the goals at each station," Lepovsky said.

Sigma Phi Epsilon President Beau McElfresh appreciated the help.

"I am thankful that the guys took time out of their schedule to help us. Fraternities are all about teamwork, and I think these activities were a perfect way to learn about it," McElfresh said.

Major Grey Berrier, an executive officer at the 1st Battalion, saw the day as a success.

"In the army we have a saying, Teamwork and cooperation together with initiative conquers all limitations,'" said Berrier. "We tried to create an atmosphere of cooperation and teamwork between the brothers and new members, and I think we accomplished that goal."

For more information, contact Robert Fisher at (724) 946-6575.