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The Glenn Miller Orchestra Swings into Westminster College

Posted on Friday, March 23, 2001

Westminster College will host the Glenn Miller Orchestra Tuesday, April 24, at 8 p.m. in Orr Auditorium. This benefit concert will provide scholarship funds to assist Westminster students from Lawrence and Mercer counties

The Glenn Miller Orchestra is the most sought after big band in the world today for both concert and dance engagements. Still considered the greatest band of all time, its unique dance music has universal appeal. The orchestra, "on the road" longer and more continuously than any other in the world, will celebrate its 45th anniversary June 6. It covers over 100,000 miles a year, working most every night for 48 weeks out of every 52 performing for live audiences that add up to more than a half million people annually.

Larry O'Brien, current leader of the Glenn Miller Orchestra, first served with the band as a performer in the 1960s. He became director of the band in 1981 until he was called away by other commitments in 1983. O'Brien returned as leader in 1988. "It was a great surprise to even be considered for such a job and was definitely a step up for me," O'Brien said. "I was flattered and apprehensive, too. I was following some very fine leaders, and I hoped I could uphold the fine Miller tradition."

The 19-member orchestra will play legendary hits of the 30s and 40s, many of them Miller originals such as "A String of Pearls," "Moonlight Serenade," and "Chattanooga Choo Choo." They will also perform some modern selections that lend themselves to the Miller style and sound.

This special benefit evening will endow the Lawrence and Mercer County Scholarship Fund, which assists local students in attending Westminster College. Contact Jennifer Williams, director of the Westminster Fund, at (724) 946-7007 for more information about the scholarship program

For ticket information, contact the Westminster College Celebrity Series Office at (724) 946-7354 or e-mail Connie L. McGinnis, assistant director of Celebrity Series, at