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Westminster College Church Relations Sponsors Continuing Education Event

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Posted on Friday, March 23, 2001

Dr. Ron Tappy, the G. Albert Shoemaker Associate professor of Bible and Archaeology at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, will speak at Westminster College, Tuesday, April 17, from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. in Russell Hall.

Specializing in the life and literature of the Old Testament period, biblical archaeology, and the history of Israel, Tappy focuses his teaching on how these areas can enliven the reading of the Bible today.

Tappy began excavating at various sites throughout Israel over 18 years ago, and has recently launched a new field project at Tel Zayit in the lowlands of Judah. He is a leading authority on the archaeology of Israelite Samaria, and is completing a second book on that subject. He has also written articles on a variety of topics, including biblical archaeology, ancient Israelite beliefs about the afterlife, the 23rd Psalm, and the Ten Commandments.

The luncheon event, which is sponsored by the Westminster College Office of Church Relations, is free and open the public. Reservations can be made by calling the Rev. William J. Maloney, director of church relations at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7365 or emailing Deadline for reservations is April 10.

Information about the Westminster College Church Relations Office and its programs is available online at