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Westminster College Earns Undergraduate Science Research Award

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Posted on Friday, March 2, 2001

Westminster College has earned an Undergraduate Science Research Award from The Merck Company Foundation and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

Westminster was one of 15 institutions in the nation to earn the award, which was announced at the AAAS annual meetings Feb. 20 in San Diego.

The three-year renewable award totals $60,000 for the direct support of student research in the biology and chemistry departments, and to establish related programs and activities.

"This three-year grant will provide wonderful research opportunities for our undergraduate science students, further enhance the cross-disciplinary approach to education that is at the heart of our curriculum, and publicly recognizes the high quality of a Westminster education," said Westminster College President R. Thomas Williamson.

The program objectives are to encourage graduate education in biology and chemistry through undergraduate research experiences that foster an understanding of the interrelatedness of the sciences and to encourage cross-disciplinary, sustainable, and mutually reinforcing cooperation among the faculty mentors.

"The Merck/AAAS Award provides a terrific chance for more biology and chemistry students at Westminster to apply ideas they encounter in classes to cutting-edge research questions. In addition to generally enriching undergraduate education, hands-on research experiences can be especially valuable in helping to shape students' interests," according to Dr. John Robertson, assistant professor of biology at Westminster College.

Contact Dr. Robertson at (724) 946-7044 for more information.