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Westminster College Student Wins First Place in Singing Competition

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Posted on Sunday, December 10, 2000

Sean Taylor, a first-year student at Westminster College, earned first place at the Tri-State Chapter of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) competition in the Freshmen Men Division held at Youngstown State University.

"Students are recommended to audition by their NATS teachers from all the college in West Virginia, western Pennsylvania, and eastern Ohio," said Donald Rasley, voice instructor at Westminster College. "Currently, I am the only teacher at Westminster College who belongs to NATS, so this opens up doors for my students to participate in the organization and auditions and intern programs."

"For auditions, there were three judges, and each competitor had to sing three songs from memory," said Taylor. "Then the final three from each category had to give a public recital with all the judges present."

"Sean is the first student from Westminster to win this competition. Since he won the Tri-State auditions, this opens up another door for him to go to the State of Pennsylvania auditions in the spring, if he so chooses," said Rasley.

Taylor, a music education major, is a son of Linda S. Taylor, 38 Pennsylvania Ave., Brookville, and a graduate of Brookville Area High School.