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Westminster College Lifelong Learning Block Courses Begin Jan. 2

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Posted on Monday, December 4, 2000

Westminster College offers block courses that enable busy adult students to get credit for two courses per semester while attending class only one night per week.

Block courses, which are designed to enable students to take classes while still attending a full-time job, will begin Jan. 2. Block one courses include: Statistics, Search for Identity in Verbal Arts, Inquiry, and Eastern Orthodox Christianity. Block two, which begins March 6, includes: Search for Identity in Visual Arts, Business Research Methods, History of Civilization-1715, and Introduction of Human and Public Communications.

Westminster also offers regular semester classes which begin Jan. 22 and continue through May 8. These evening classes include: Cameras and Computers, Strategic Management, Information Technology I, Science in Elementary School, Introduction to Literary Studies, Art and the Artist, World Geography, African-American History; Principles, Practices, and Theory of Public Relations; Public Relations Writing, Educational Psychology, Principles of Sociology and Journalism II.

For more information, contact Carol Yova, director of continuing education and lifelong learning at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7353 or e-mail