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Westminster College Mortar Board Has Successful Book Drive

Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2000

More than 200 books were collected for the New Castle Women's Shelter/Rape Crisis Center by the Westminster College Mortar Board and the Westminster College Preschool.

"The book drive was a huge success and Mortar Board could not have done it without the help of the Westminster students, faculty, and staff," said Michael O'Donovan, a senior psychology major from Pittsburgh and president of Mortar Board. "The shelter was extremely appreciative, and plans to use them to fill the shelves of the new library in their new building."

Barbara Taylor Klenotic, community education specialist of the Women's Shelter/Rape Crisis Center of Lawrence County, accepted the books on behalf of the center's clients.

O'Donovan, who is a graduate of Northgate High School, is a son of Margaret O'Donovan, 534 Orchard Ave., Pittsburgh.

Mortar Board recognizes senior students with leadership, scholarship, and service skills. Membership prerequisites include a grade requirement and previous college leadership experience.

For more information, contact O'Donovan at (724) 946-7552.