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Westminster College Professor's Sports Economic Research Accepted for Publication;

Posted on Thursday, November 16, 2000

Dr. Peter A. Groothuis, associate professor of economics at Westminster College co-authored a research paper measuring the economic benefits of the NHL's Penguins to Pittsburgh. His research will be published as the lead article in the February issue of the Journal of Sports Economics. The study was also cited in an economics feature in the Nov. 20 issue of Business Week.

The article, ""The Value of Public Goods Generated by a Major League sports Team: The CVM Approach" was co-authored by Bruce K. Johnson, associate professor of economics at Centre College, and John C. Whitehead, professor of economics at East Carolina University.

Using survey techniques, the article puts a dollar value to such intangible benefits such as civic pride and fan loyalty. They find that the Pittsburgh Penguins generate about $66 million dollars of these intangible (public good) benefits.

The analysis suggests that the value of public goods generated by major league sports teams may not be large enough to justify the large public subsidies typically offered to more stadiums and arenas built today. Coupled with the overwhelming evidence of previous research that major league sports teams and their stadiums do not generate increased income for their cities, it would seem that publicly financed sport buildings represent a misallocation of resources.

Groothuis, who has been with Westminster College since 1989, earned his undergraduate degree from Central Michigan University, and his master's and Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky.