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Westminster Sorority to "Shoot for the Cure!"

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Posted on Wednesday, October 16, 2002

Zeta Tau Alpha is sponsoring the 2nd annual "Shoot for the Cure!" three-on-three basketball tournament Saturday, Nov. 2, from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. at Old 77.

Participants will receive t-shirts and pizza included in the registration fee. Teams will consist of three members in both men's and women's divisions.

"This is a major fundraiser for our philanthropy, The Susan G. Komen Brest Cancer Foundation," said Stacey Babyak, junior public relations major from Forest Hills and Zeta Tau Alpha fundraising chair. "This year we are adding a new individual event - a distance shoot-out contest. We also will have a bake sale."

Zeta Tau Alpha is one of five national sororities on the campus of Westminster College. Better knows as the "Zetas" on campus, the local chapter was established in 1964 to intensify friendships and develop sisterhood.

For more information, contact Babyak at (724) 946-6455 or e-mail