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Westminster College Hosts Internationally-Known Gender Speaker

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Posted on Wednesday, September 1, 2004

Rebecca Butler, an internationally recognized speaker on gender, will speak to student leaders at Westminster College Tuesday, Sept. 21, at the Sebastian Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 Groups of student leaders will have an opportunity to hear one of three programs, "Respect," "Drugs, Alcohol and Safe Dating," and "Liberating Men."  The program starts at 6 p.m.

 Butler, who is the founder and president of Equal Connections, is a member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association Speaker's List.  She has given nearly 100 presentations in 14 states since launching Equal Connections in 1999.  Her clients include the Cleveland Browns, Cleveland Indians, Coast Guard Academy, American College Health Association, Harvard University, MIT, Columbia University, and more.  She has been featured on television and in news articles.

 Butler teaches concert, positive skills that empower women and men alike to enjoy great relationships and dating experiences, and dramatically reduce the risk of violence.  Her goal is to help students prevent sexual assault and relationship violence by teaching healthy relationships and sexual respect.

 For more information, contact Dr. Neal Edman, dean of student affairs at Westminster College, at (724) 946-7123 or e-mail