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Westminster College Religion Professor Lectures in Korea

Posted on Monday, October 14, 2002

Dr. Kang-Yup Na, assistant professor of religion at Westminster College, recently lectured and preached in several Korean universities and churches.

Na's first stop in Korea was the Presbyterian College and Theological Seminary in Seoul where he was the guest lecturer for masters and doctoral students. While in Seoul, Na also met with the administrators of international exchange programs at Korea University, Ehwa Women's University, and Yonsei University. He also preached at the Geu-roo-tuh-ghee (Tree Stump) Church.

Na met with the president of Han-dohng University in Pohang, He then traveled to Busan where he met with administrators and taught chapel to students of the Isabelle High School, and various officials of the new Global Village High School.

Na presented a paper, "The Meaning of Christ and Pauline Theology" in Korean at the 9th annual Korean New Testament Society Conference. This paper was selected for publication in both Korean and English at a later date.

This summer, Na was the convocation speaker at Juniata College, delivering a speech, "Grace & Ethics: What God Does and What We Do, and taught "Sacraments 101" at the Synod School for the Synod of the Trinity.

He also taught a class "Growing in Discipleship Through Bible Study," at the Racial Ethnic Convocation of the Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles.

Next month, Na will present two papers, "The Meaning of Christ and Ethnicity: Paul's Gospel in Galatia and America," and "Breaking Commitments Old and New," to the annual Society of Biblical Society in Toronto, Canada.

For more information, contact Na at (724) 946-7155 or e-mail