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Westminster College to Host 101st New Wilmington Missionary Conference

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Posted on Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Carrying its tradition of mobilizing individuals and churches for mission into a second century, the 101st New Wilmington Missionary Conference (NWMC) will be held at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa. from July 22-28.

About 1,000 delegates and staff from across the nation and around the world will come together for a week of Bible study, spiritual enrichment, and Christian fellowship. It is estimated that another 1,000 regional residents will attend some portion of the conference. All meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.

The leadoff speaker for Saturday evening, July 22 is the Rev. Dr. Tony Campolo. Campolo, professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University in St. Davids and founder and president of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education (EAPE), is a popular speaker around the world and author of 32 books. Campolo has worked to create, nurture and support programs for "at-risk" children in cities across North America, and has helped establish schools and universities in several developing countries. He will speak both Saturday and Sunday nights at 7:45 p.m., and also Sunday morning at 11 a.m.

"Changes in Presbyterian Mission" is the timely theme of special sessions Tuesday afternoon, July 25. Scott Sunquist, professor of mission and Evangelism at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, will address a lunch group. Other denominational and missional leaders will share their insights throughout the afternoon.

Another special feature Tuesday is "Come and See." Pastors and youth ministers are invited to come and learn about the conference. A free lunch and dinner are included for those who register by contacting the conference office.

The theme verse for the 101st NWMC is "Look at the nations, and watch and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told" (Habakkuk 1:5). Missionaries from over 20 countries will be recounting some of those amazing things.

The purpose of the conference is to deepen the missionary spirit in the church. Speakers will urge attendees to follow Jesus Christ more closely and lift up the call to take the good news of Jesus to those who have not heard or received it. Other speakers will share some of the great things God is doing in the world and how the number of Christian believers is multiplying in many places. Attendees will be challenged to devote themselves to this mission calling.

The New Wilmington Missionary Conference is unique in that it is an intergenerational and family conference; yet it is distinctively youth-focused and oriented.

NWMC began as a Presbyterian mission conference for young people in 1906. It has retained its Presbyterian roots and connections, while promoting the broader Christian witness in the world.

Missionaries and mission organizations will exhibit their displays Sunday afternoon in McKelvey Campus Center from 1:30-4:30 p.m.

Each year NWMC sends a summer service team of young adults to some place in the world for seven weeks. This year eight college students and an adult leader are in Russia. Most of their time is being spent in Siberia sharing the love of Christ with children among the Nenet and Khanti ethnic groups. The team will tell about their experiences Friday evening, July 28.

The Tuesday evening speaker will be the Rev. Angel de la Cruz, who has led the Word Centered Fellowship Church of Masury Ohio, to become the first new church commissioned by the Shenango Presbytery in 102 years. Bishop Abdoulaye Ba, director of Discipling Our Nations Effectively in West Africa, and his wife, Doris, will lead on Tuesday evening. Wednesday night Annemaria Baranyi of Hungarian Ministries International will speak. Thursday evening will feature a concert by Christian musician Derek Sandstrom.

Toolbox and Drive, young adult and youth worship teams from Miami, Fla., will bring energetic leadership to the times of praise and worship.

The Rev. Dr. Stephen D. McConnell, senior pastor at Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church, Liberty Corner, N.J., will speak Monday-Friday at the Morning Meeting. Steve was previously our featured speaker in 1995. The Rev. Jim Walker, co-pastor of the Hot Metal Bridge Faith Community in Pittsburgh, will write and direct some youth in a brief drama related to the message each morning.

The Rev. Anne Hilborn, director of Adult Ministries at Providence Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, N.C, and the Rev. Kay Day, Mt. Pisgah Presbyterian Church in Greentree will teach the adult Bible studies.

The Rev. Harold Kurtz, senior associate for Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship and former missionary to Ethiopia, and the Rev. Dr. Robert Weingartner, executive director of The Outreach Foundation, will be the adult mission leaders.

Nationally known singer and songwriter, David Bailey, will lead the daily vesper program for college students. David was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor and given six months to live. His website states, "Ten years, thirteen albums, forty states and hundreds of concerts later, David, his songs, and his passions are alive and well." David is the son of Dr. and Mrs. Ken Bailey of New Wilmington.

The Rev. Larry Ruby, pastor of Hiland Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh, will lead the daily Bible study for the college students, and the Rev. Lisa Nicholls Hickman, associate pastor of the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church will lead the high school Bible study.

For the complete schedule of speakers and locations, check the website - or call the NWMC office at (724) 946-7195.