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Westminster Professor Presented Paper at International Conference

Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2002

Dr. Mandy Medvin, associate professor of psychology and Gibson-Drinko Distinguished Chair of Psychology, recently presented a paper at the International Federation for Information Processing in Manchester, England.

Medvin was invited to present the paper, "Using Technology to Encourage Social Problem Solving in Preschoolers."   The paper is a joint effort written by Medvin, Diana Reed, and Deborah Behr, both preschool teachers at the Westminster College Preschool Lab.  The paper outlines the joint project between the Westminster College Preschool Lab and Head Start of Lawrence County, which seeks to develop techniques encouraging social collaboration among children while using computers.

Medvin also presented a paper at the Head Start's Sixth National Research Conference in Washington, D.C. "Computer Training for Preschool Teachers: Impact on Computer Self-efficacy, Values, and Anxiety."  Written by the same authors, this paper examines factors influencing preschool teachers use of computers in the classroom, and evaluated a computer workshop focusing on social collaboration among children.

Medvin, who has been with Westminster College since 1992, earned her undergraduate degree from Rutgers University, and her Ph.D. from the University of Washington.

For more information, contact Medvin at (724) 946-7360 or e-mail