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Westminster Student Intern Researches Estrogen

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Posted on Wednesday, October 2, 2002

Jennifer Lewis, a senior biology and molecular biology major at Westminster College, recently completed an internship with the Merck Research Laboratories in New Jersey, where she conducted research on estrogen receptors.

"I used immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescent chemistry to study estrogen receptors in tissues," said Lewis.

Lewis worked with Dr. John Robertson, assistant professor of biology at Westminster College and research advisor for Lewis, during the summer of 2001 under a grant from the Merck/American Association for the Advancement of Sciences (AAAS) Undergraduate Research Program.

"Dr. (Martha) Joseph and I submitted the grant application, and Westminster was one of only 15 schools in the country that got the award," said Robertson. "This grant is designed to encourage interdisciplinary activities between biology and chemistry."

"Dr. Robertson encouraged me to apply for this internship," said Lewis. "My Westminster education was helpful in this internship. Merck expects you to know the basics, but they were surprised to see that I knew how to make solutions, as well as many lab techniques."

Lewis' paid internship included an11-week stay in the University of Rutgers apartments, a paid train pass to ride to work, a stipend for her time, and extensive ethics training on animals in research.

"I got to see how drugs and treatments are developed outside academics, and this internship confirmed what I want to do in life - cancer research," said Lewis. "Every student should talk to their department and look online for companies that are looking for interns. I was invited back for the summer of 2003, if I don't start grad school before then."

Lewis, a senior biology and microbiology major, is a daughter of Charles and Lynda Lewis, 2017 Lynn Ave., Youngstown, Ohio, and a graduate of Cardinal Mooney High School.

For more information, contact Lewis at (724) 946-7799 or e-mail