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Westminster College's Marching Band Performs

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Posted on Monday, September 9, 2002

Westminster College's Marching Band premiered an intricate drill and music performance during half time of the first home football game Saturday.

"The band is a hard-working group, and the drills are more intricate than in the past because of the talent level of the students," said R. Tad Greig, director of bands at Westminster College. "The band performs numbers such as "Riverdance," Earth, Wind, and Fire's "Let's Groove," a Latin jazz number, "El Gato Triste," and closes with a classic Moody Blues' tune, "Nights in White Satin."

In addition to all Westminster home football games, the band will perform as a guest in three high school marching band festivals. They include: Mercer High School, Sept. 7; Carlyton High School, Sept. 21; and the Lawrence County Band Festival at New Castle High's Tiger Stadium, Sept 25.

For more information, contact Greig at (724) 946-7279 or e-mail