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Westminster College Degrees Conferred Upon Class of 2002

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Posted on Friday, June 7, 2002

Bachelor degrees were awarded to 285 students at Westminster College's commencement service Saturday, May 18.

Students graduating with highest honors, summa cum laude, maintained an academic average of at least 3.9 out of a possible 4.0, while students graduating with high honors, magna cum laude, and honors, cum laude, maintained averages of at least 3.7 and 3.5 respectively.

College Honors were awarded to 17 students. This special honor is given to those students who choose to pursue projects that go beyond the regular course work in an effort to develop the student's capacity to initiate and complete meaningful projects in their major field of study.

An additional 54 students participated in the commencement ceremony as either previous graduates or provisional graduates - those who received diplomas earlier than the annual May commencement ceremonies or those who are sufficiently advanced so that graduation before the end of 2002 is possible.