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Westminster College Offers Summer Academy for Teachers

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Posted on Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Westminster College is offering four summer academies for teachers June 23-26 through the Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning.

The Drinko Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was developed to advance world-class teaching at Westminster and enrich K-12 education through outreach programs for area educators.

 "The Prospects and Potential Pitfalls of Using Film, Literature and the Internet to Teach History" is taught by Dr. David Twining, associate professor of history at Westminster College.  This seminar, geared for kindergarten through 12th  grade, will help teachers choose the right materials to use in a very limited classroom time.  Each teacher will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with the various media resources that relate to their teaching.

  "Picture, Page, and Screen" is taught by Dr. Elizabeth Ford, professor of English at Westminster College.  This class deals with the influence of texts other than classroom books.  In this seminar teachers will examine the classics, as well as new texts and technology, and how they may help excite students to learn.

"Teaching Science Through History, Literature, and Baseball" is taught by Dr. Patrick McCarthy, professor of biology at Westminster College.  This workshop will use three contextual approaches for teaching topics in genetics, which can be adapted to fit other areas and topics of science.

"Working with Technology in Today's Classrooms: An intro to Computers" is taught by Dr. Linda Domanski,  assistant professor of education at Westminster College.   This seminar will focus on using Microsoft Office 2000 and its applications the Internet and the World Wide Wed, and multimedia to learn how to integrate technology into today's classroom.

The classes offer Act 48 credits to Pennsylvania teachers.  For more information, contact Joyce Hoellein, coordinator of the summer academy, at (724) 946-7185 or e-mail