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Westminster College Announces Coordinator of the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program

Posted on Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Carey Anne Meyer LaSor has been named the full-time coordinator of the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program (YPS), a position that is responsible for the promotion and implementation of the YPS program.

 In 2002, as Westminster College celebrated its 150th anniversary, the Board of Trustees took a serious look at the question of what it means to be a Presbyterian Church (PC) related college.  As a result, the decision was made last fall to offer up to 150 scholarships, worth $11,000 annually, to outstanding PC (USA) students and offer them a way to continue to grow in faith and leaderships while on the Westminster campus.  The scholarships are given to all PC (USA) congregations, in essence, to award to a student of their choosing who meets the qualifications of active memberships in a PC (USA) congregation, and exhibits a 3.5 or higher cumulative high school grade point average. 

 "The goals of this program and this first year are to provide each of the Young Presbyterian Scholar students with an experience that is uniquely a Westminster experience, intentionally Presbyterian connected, and motivated by an external and spiritual call for them," LaSor said.  "The Program intends to provide for their personal, spiritual, and leadership growth, building on the abilities and potential they already possess."

 There are currently 37 Young Presbyterian Scholars at Westminster doing the program's inaugural year.  Westminster received over 120 YPS nominations from 20 states last year.

 LaSor, a 1986 Westminster graduate, previously worked in the Princeton Theological Seminary's Office of Alumni and Placement, and was a volunteer for the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. before coming to Westminster as a part-time coordinator a year ago.  She and her husband, Steve, reside in Greensburg with their two children, Nathan and Matthew, and their West Highland terrier, Kenzie.  Her office is located in Thompson House, and she can be contacted at (724) 946-7365 or e-mail

 Visit for more information about the Young Presbyterian Scholar Program.

Carey Anne Meyer LaSor, coordinator of the Young Presbyterian Scholars Program