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Westminster College's Lambda Sigma Honor Society Awarded "Honor Chapter"

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Posted on Friday, September 10, 2004

Westminster College's chapter of the Lambda Sigma Honor Society was recently awarded "Honor Chapter" status by the National Board.

 "This is the highest recognition that our organization gives," said Jane Price Harmon, national president.

 Lambda Sigma is an honor society with the purpose of fostering leadership, scholarship, fellowship, and the spirit of service among the men and women of the sophomore class, and to serve and promote the interest of the College in every way possible.

 "The critical component is that the chapter must be exceptional in their efforts to serve the College and outside community," said Dr. Neal Edman, dean of student affairs and co-adviser for the group.  "The National Board does not always recognize the mere continuation of the same programs and projects, despite their efficacy and effort required.  Chapters must show that they're reaching out in different ways in their service efforts and creativity.  The members of Lambda Sigma worked tirelessly and selflessly this past year to achieve this recognition."

 "Dr. [Kang-Yup] Na [assistant professor of religion] and I know that the men and women of this chapter were most deserving of this status," said Edman.  "We thoroughly enjoy serving as their advisers.  They are a terrific group of students."

 For more information, contact Edman at (724) 946-7113 or e-mail or Na at (724) 946-7155 or e-mail