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Judy Shepard to Speak at Westminster College

Posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2002

Judy Shepard, whose son was killed because he was gay, will speak at Westminster College Thursday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

On Oct. 8, 1998, Judy and Dennis Shepard were awakened in the middle of the night by a telephone call no parents should ever have to receive.  Their eldest son, Matthew, was in a coma after having been brutally attacked because he was gay.  Matthew died four days later.

Shepard was determined to use her grief over her son's death to make a difference.  She has testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Hate Crimes Prevention Act, and has appeared in public service television spots aimed at curbing anti-gay violence.  Now she is speaking to audiences across the country about what they can do to make their schools and communities safer for everyone, regardless of their race, sex, religion, or sexual orientation.

"I feel Matthew with me every day, or I would not be able to do this," said Shepard.  "I realize that what I can try to accomplish is to make people aware.  We get so complacent in our lives that we forget not everyone is safe, and frequently, it is our children who aren't safe."

The event, which is part of the Black History and Diversity Month celebration at Westminster College, is sponsored by the Allies, the Black Student Union, the Student Government Association, the Office of Diversity Coordinator, and the Student Affairs Office of Westminster College.

For more information, contact Brad Dell, senior theatre major from Greensburg and president of Allies, at (724) 946-2980.