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Westminster College Business Professor Has Research Published

Posted on Tuesday, January 22, 2002

Dr. Peter A. Groothuis, associate professor of economics at Westminster College, will have his research, "Does Don't Know Mean No?: Analysis of Don't Know' Responses in Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation Questions" published in Applied Economics.

This research, which was co-authored by John C. Whitehead, associate professor at the University of North Carolina, investigates the value of the "don't know" or middle of the road responses on surveys and research.  Groothuis concludes that certain surveys and research benefit from this "don't know" option, but the "researchers must use their judgment on how to interpret and use don't know responses."

Groothuis' research on various economic subjects has been published in numerous publications, including Journal of Sports Economics, Business Week, Public Finance Review, Applied Economics Letters, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics, and The Journal of Risk & Uncertainty.

Groothuis  earned his undergraduate degree from Central Michigan University, and his master's and Ph.D. from the University of Kentucky.

For more information, contact Groothuis at (724) 946-7163 or e-mail