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Westminster Students Study Abroad For Fall Semester

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Posted on Wednesday, August 9, 2006

Thirty-two Westminster College students are studying in England, Spain, Korea, France, Washington, D.C., and Pittsburgh for the fall semester.

"Studying abroad is a huge addition to the college experience," said Doreen Matune, secretary of academic affairs. "It really sets students apart having this kind of an involvement. They achieve a growth, tolerance, and maturity over their peers."

Certain majors require study abroad, such as international politics, international business, the recently added intercultural studies, and various modern languages. These majors make up the majority of students who study abroad.

"Sometimes it's more difficult for students of other majors or double-majors to get in all their class requirements," Matune continued. "But all departments' faculty go out of their way to help fulfill this for a student of any major. When someone wants to enter the program, all offices and departments really make it a priority to make it possible."

The travel-abroad program has been a strong part of Westminster for decades. Recently, however, Westminster has been inducted into student exchange programs with over 100 schools. Now Westminster students can travel all over the world and receive the same rates and financial aid just as if they were still at Westminster.

"International study is a life-changing event in the life of a college student," said Dr. Jesse Mann, dean of the college and vice president of academic affairs. "Only about two percent of American college students study abroad during college, and we're happy that Westminster is significantly above the average."

"Studying abroad really expands a student's horizons," Matune continued. "There has never been a student that has come back and wished they had not done it. Everyone values their new cultural experiences."

Contact Matune at (724) 946-7121 or by e-mail at, or Mann at (724) 946-7123 or by e-mail at for more information.