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Student United Nations Teams to Scrimmage at Westminster College

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Posted on Friday, September 17, 2004

The Westminster College Student United Nations Team welcomes student teams from Mercyhurst College, the University of Pittsburgh, St. Bonaventure University, and Duquesne University to the first scrimmage of the academic year Saturday, Oct. 2, from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. in the Witherspoon Lakeview Room located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

 "We will simulate the United Nations Security Council, and debate a resolution on the crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan," said Dr. Andrea Grove, assistant professor of political science and adviser to the group.  "A model UN is a way for students to learn about the United Nations, contemporary international issues, multilateral diplomacy, how to see problems from various perspectives, and how to engage in role playing.

"It's interesting doing research to decide what the country you represent thinks," said Jessica Altman, a junior elementary education and Spanish major from New Wilmington..  "You must play a role.  It also allows you to see how other nations feel about Americans and why."

"The model UN is a wonderful experience," said Kylie Gallagher, a sophomore intercultural studies and international politics major from Gibsonia.  "It allows college students to get a feel for what it might actually be like to be in the position of the United Nations delegates.  It's not an easy task to find common ground and create a resolution."

For more information, contact Grove at (724) 946-7254 or e-mail