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English Professor Co-Authors Book on David Madden

Posted on Friday, August 25, 2006

Dr. James Perkins, Westminster professor of English, co-authored David Madden: A Writer for All Genres.

"My book is a collection of critical essays by various writers on different aspects of the work of David Madden," Perkins said. "Randy Hendricks of West Georgia University and I solicited the essays and edited them for this volume. I wrote an essay on Madden's short fiction, and Randy wrote an essay on his criticism. Each of us conducted an interview and edited them into a single interview for this volume."

Perkins has been following Madden's career since he had him in an undergraduate class at Centre College.

"For the past 30 years or so Madden has been a writer in residence at Louisiana State University," Perkins said. "I hope this book will attract attention to the work of David Madden. He is certainly one of America's hidden treasures."

David Madden: A Writer for All Genres is available through the University of Tennessee Press at

Perkins, who has been with Westminster College since 1973, earned his undergraduate degree from Centre College, his master's from Miami University, and his Ph.D. from the University of Tennessee. During the fall term of 1998, he was a Fulbright Visiting Professor at Seoul National University in Korea. Perkins earned the 2006 Westminster College Distinguished Faculty Award and previously honored as a Henderson Lecturer and a McCandless Fellow. His 13 publications include: The Cass Mastern Material: The Core of Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men and a short story collection titled Snakes, Butterbeans, and the Discovery of Electricity; co-editor with Jeffrey J. Folks of Southern Writers at Century's End. Together with Hendricks, Perkins is co-editing three of the five volumes of The Selected Letters of Robert Penn Warren. They also co-edited For the Record: A Robert Drake Reader.

Contact Perkins at (724) 946-7347 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. James Perkins