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Computer Science Professor Attends Discrete Mathematics Seminar

Posted on Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Dr. John Bonomo, Westminster associate professor of computer science, recently attended the "Discrete Mathematics: Curricular Issue, Pedagogy and Nifty Examples" workshop at Messiah College held in conjunction with the Eastern Pennsylvania and Deleware (EPADEL) section of the Mathematical Association of America.

"Various issues relating to the preparation of teaching discrete math were addressed at the conference," Bonomo said. "Participants developed or refined their own outlines and syllabi for a discrete math course or sequence and were introduced to examples which connect mathematics to topics in other areas such, as computer science. We worked in teams to create our own examples."

Bonomo, who has been with Westminster College since 1998, earned his undergraduate and master's degree from Catholic University, and a master's and Ph.D. from Purdue University. Bonomo is a frequent judge at the annual International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals. He was a regional judge for five years, and an international judge six times -- in Hawaii, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Prague, Texas, and Shanghai.

Contact Bomomo at (724) 946-7287 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. John Bonomo