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Spanish Professor Presents Paper in Argentina

Posted on Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Dr. Camila Bari de López, Westminster College associate professor of Spanish, recently presented a paper at the 6th International Orbis Tertius' Conference on Literary Theory and Critism in Argentina.

Her topic, "Metonymy and Novel: for a Critical Approach to the Ethnic and Gender Fiction in Latin America," reviewed the concept of metonymy from its inception in Greek rhetoric up to its new encompassing use in Freud, Jakobson, and Lacan. Following Freud's and Lacan's characterization of metonymy as the "most appropriate way used by the unconscious to avoid repression and censorship," López connects metonymy to the tradition of oppression and colonialism in Latin American literature and to women's fiction as an expression of marginalized identity.

López, who has been with Westminster College since 1997, earned her undergraduate degree from Profesora de Literatura, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, and her Ph.D. from the University of Albany.

Contact López at (724) 946-7258 or e-mail for more information.

Dr. Camila Bari de López