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Forensic Director to Speak About Antiquity

Posted on Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Dr. Jonathan Elias, director of programs and exhibits at the Whitaler Center for Science and the Arts in Harrisburg, will discuss career opportunities for students in the field of antiquity Tuesday, Sept. 19, at 12:45 p.m. in the Mueller Theater in the McKelvey Campus Center.

"For example, antiquity lawyers are kept busy with litigation about ownership rights regarding artifacts that find their way into museums or private collections," Elias said. "Artists find a rewarding career in the design of appealing exhibits, and students in psychology, art, and criminal justice might be interested to learn about the aspects of forensic facial reconstruction. Those skilled in computer science may be surprised to learn that there is a lot of technology in museum work."

"Dr. Elias will touch on these and many other fascinating topics about his experience excavating artifacts in the Middle East," said Jackie Meade, Westminster director of the Career Center. "He is trained in Egyptian linguistics and archaeology and this has contributed to his work as a consultant for museums and other cultural organizations on the interpretation of their collections."

Elias has worked closely with Dr. Samuel Farmerie, Westminster College curator of cultural artifacts, on the Westminster's Egyptian mummy, Pesed. Through tests such as radio-carbon dating, CT scans, and X-rays, artists were able to create a forensic reconstruction of her face. Pesed is currently on display, along with her bust and several other artifacts at the J.S. Mack Science Library located in the Westminster Hoyt Science Resources Center.

The event is free and open to the public. Pizzas and soda will be provided. Contact Meade at (724) 946-7343 or e-mail for more information.

L-R: Pesad, Dr. Samuel Farmerie, & Dr. Jonathan Elias