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Westminster Choir Sponsors "Music & Meatballs"

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Posted on Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Westminster College sixth annual Music and Meatballs returns Friday, Oct. 6, at the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church. Sittings are at 4:30, 5:45, and 7 p.m.

"The Concert Choir and Wind Ensemble will be touring Spain in January, so the decorations will have a Spanish theme," said Dr. Robin Lind, Westminster director of choral activities. "The music will feature choir members singing entertaining renditions of songs from Broadway and other favorites. There is a new chef' this year, so come enjoy a delicious spaghetti dinner followed by a scrumptious dessert."

Choir members organize the event including the publicity, decorating, cooking, serving, and concluding with a 30-minute musical presentation.

"Profits help support their Spanish Music Tour with the Wind Ensemble this year. The groups will be leaving Dec. 28 and returning Jan. 10," Lind said. "They will be performing in the Spanish cities of Seville, Rondo, Granada, Cadiz, and Cordoba."

"We are very grateful to the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church for providing us with the facility for this annual fundraiser," Lind said. "We are also grateful to Beth Brooks of the Student Affairs Office, who heads up the dish washing detail every year."

Adult tickets are $10, and senior citizen, children and student tickets are $5. Reservations can be made with any choir member or by calling the Westminster College Music Office at (724) 946-7270. Tickets will also be available at the door.

Contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or e-mail for more information