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Noted Cellist and Pianist to Give Recital at Westminster Sept. 30

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Posted on Friday, September 15, 2006

Cellist Barbara Thiem and pianist Theresa Bogard will perform Saturday, Sept. 30, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

The program includes twelve variations from Mozart's opera, "Magic Flute;" Martinu's "Sonata # 3;" Penderecki's "Cappriccio per Siegfried Palm 1968;" and Brahms' "Sonata in F major op. 99 1886."

Thiem, an internationally acclaimed cellist, combines teaching cello and chamber music with her active schedule of performances in Europe and the United States. She is the artist-in-residence at Colorado State University and an adjunct professor at the University of Wyoming. She holds degrees from Cologne, Germany, where she studied with avant-garde cellist Siegfried Palm, and from Indiana University, where she was an assistant to Janos Starker and was awarded the coveted performer's certificate. She is also a member of the Mendelssohn Trio and associate director of the International Summer Academy at Schloss Ort, Austria. In addition to her concerts, she has recorded for many radio stations and has produced several CDs. She has been published in the fields of cello technique and medical research.

Bogard is an active performer, combining varied interest in historical performance practice, contemporary music, chamber music, and the music of women composers. She is currently professor of piano and coordinator of the piano studies at the University of Wyoming. She studied piano at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in Australian, the University of Colorado at Bolder, and the Eastman School of Music. In 1988, she received a Fulbright grant to study fortepiano with Stanley Hoogland at the Royal Conservatory of the Hague in The Netherlands, and was a top-prize winner in the international Mozart Fortepiano Competition in Bruges, Belgium the following year.

Bogard has presented programs of solo and chamber music by women composers in several cities in the United States, Mexico, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia, and China, and is also featured on a compact disc recording of piano works by Louise Talma, which was released by CRI records in 1999. As a collaborative pianist, she can be heard on the newly released recording for saxophone and piano with saxophonist Scott Turpen titled "Tableaux" on the Albany Label. In June 2000 she was one of ten international adjudicators for the First Governor's International Piano Competition in Saratov, Russia, and she has adjudicated numerous regional and national competitions in the United States. Since 1996, Bogard has added traditional Balinese gamelan music to her special interests and has studied gender wayang in Bali, Indonesia.

The event is free and open to the public. Contact Dr. Nancy DeSalvo, chair and assistant professor of music at Westminster at (724) 946-7023 or e-mail for more information.