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Six Math Students Present Colloquium on Internship Experiences

Posted on Friday, September 22, 2006

Six Westminster mathematic majors recently presented a colloquium about their summer internship experiences. They are: Bryan Bischof, Colin Campbell, Michele Fenske, Courtney Gilmore, Daniel Orrison, and Allie Rook.

"The talks focused on how the students obtained internships, their responsibilities as interns, and what was learned as a result of their internships," said Dr. Carolyn Cuff, professor of mathematics and chair of the Westminster College Department of Mathematics and Computer Science.

Gibsonia, PA
Bryan Bischof
is a son of Steve Salvatora and Diana Salvatora, New Kensington. Bischof, a junior mathematics major, is a graduate of Valley High School.
Internship: R.E.U. at Penn State University, New Kensington, with Dr. Javier-Gomez.
How obtained: Bryan's and Andrew Polack's presentation at the spring 2006 M.A.A. Allegheny Mountain Section Meeting was seen by Dr. Gomez. After a few meetings, Dr. Gomez offered Bryan the position.
Responsibilities: "The research began with an introduction to Maple. Using Maple and the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra we analyzed the Riemann-Zeta Function. Using the slices of the graph at z=0 we looked for roots of the function. We then began an independent study in Complex Analysis to analyze the positive and negative trends of the function. I worked with Andrew Perriello."

Pittsburgh, PA
Courtney Gilmore
is a daughter of Robert and Marsha Gilmore. Gilmore, a senior mathematics major, is a graduate of Brentwood Middle/High School.
Internship: Corporate office of Pitt Ohio Express, located in the Strip District of Pittsburgh
How obtained: Duquesne University's career center Website
Responsibilities: "Daily, I published reports both for my manager and the terminal managers. The bulk of my responsibilities were based around pulling and formatting data from databases. I was also responsible for running optimization and simulation models using the data which I prepared."

Washington, PA
Daniel Orrison
is a son of William and Rachel Orrison. Orrison, a junior business administration major, is a graduate of Trinity High School.
Internship: NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
How obtained: Internet (surfing the Web)
Responsibilities: "I worked as civil servant in the NASA Procurement Division. I handled a wide variety of responsibilities. Some of the activities that I was responsible for were acting as a Gatekeeper to my mentor, writing Record for Memorandum, drafting RFP, drafting a Pre-negotiation Plan, working an ERP system called SAP, and anything else my mentor wanted me to do."

Kane, PA
Allison Rook
is a daughter of John and Marianne T. Rook. Rook, a senior mathematics major, is a graduate of Kane Area High School.
Internship: Moravian College, Bethlehem PA
How obtained: Online search for math and education internships.
Responsibilities: "For two three-week long residential summer camps, I taught gifted students, who were entering the 6th and 7th grade problem, solving skills for inductive and deductive reasoning. My responsibilities included those of a teacher and camp counselor all together. I ran off copies, planned lessons, handled personal problems, played games, went to dances and activities, and had fun with the students."

Poland, OH
Colin Campbell
is a son of Tom and Rose Campbell. Campbell, a senior physics major, is a graduate of Canfield High School.
Internship: Pennsylvania State University, Dept. of Physics.
How obtained: Application through PSU's Website (application, letters of recommendation, written self statement).
Responsibilities: "I assisted my host professor in the analysis and construction of a solid state heat pump. This involved testing and quantifying the characteristics of electrocaloric and piezoelectric materials, examining and modifying prototype designs, and beginning the construction of a prototype pump."

Cary, IL
Michele Fenske
is a daughter of Craig Fenske and Diane Fenske, Mayfield Village, OH. Fenske, a senior physics major, is a graduate of Mayfield High School.
Internship: Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute, Pittsburgh, PA
How obtained: Application, REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
Responsibilities: "I programmed, tested and helped design two prototypes of a flexible needle steering system for brain surgery."

Contact Cuff at (724) 946-7291 or e-mail for more information.

Bryan Bischof, Michele Fenske, Daniel Orrison, Allie Rook, Colin Campbell, and Courtney Gilmore