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Halloween Organ Concert "In the Black of Night" Oct. 31

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Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2006

A Westminster College Halloween Organ Concert, "In the Black of Night," is scheduled Tuesday, Oct. 31, at 7:30 p.m. in Orr Auditorium.

"All performers will be dressed for Halloween to fit the theme," according to Dr. Elizabeth Harrison, assistant professor of music. "While the music we play is very serious, we plan to have fun with this concert and provide healthy and clean entertainment. We also plan to scare the begeezers out of our audience!"

Performers include: Harrison; senior sacred music majors Shelley Culver and Erin Davis; freshman sacred music major Amanda Gentzel; junior music major Craig Dressler, and a Lifelong Learning student John Moribito, who also attends Beaver High School.

Dressler will open the concert with Johann Sebastian Bach's famous "Toccata and Fugue in d minor, BWV 565." Culver will play "Trio Sonata in e minor BWV 528," also by Bach. Gentzel will play Bach's "Komm, Gott, Schopfer, BWV 631" and Davis will play "Trio in Eb" by Joseph Reinberger and "Praeludia fur Organo pleno" by Johann Krebs. Harrison will play the "Adagio and Finale" from Symphony IV by Charles-Marie Widor, and Moribito will end the program with the "Te Deum" by Jeanne Demessieux.

"Performing in the Halloween Organ Concert is always a lot of fun," Dressler said. "It gives the students something unique to attend on Halloween night. The concert is informal, but full of great music."

Contact the Westminster College Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for more information.