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Titan Radio 88.9 FM Boosts Operating Power

Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Federal Communications Commission has approved the boosting of the Westminster College Titan Radio 88.9FM from 200 watts to 4,000 watts.

"It is exciting that with this new power the station will serve all of Lawrence County," said Dr. David Barner, Westminster College chair of the Department of Communication Studies, Theatre, and Art. "The power increase will help our students think beyond the campus when writing news and sports stories."

"By boosting the power it allows us to feel what it's really like to work at a commercial station," said Aidan Mewha, a senior broadcast communications major and assistant program director for WWNW radio. "When I was a freshman, we only reached the campus, and now I can listen to the station all the way down I-79. We have to think about how many listeners there are and cater to them with local news, events, and entertainment. It's a much bigger responsibility."

"There's one thing that commercial FM radio stations have that Titan radio does not - commercials," Barner said. "WWNW operates on a non-commercial frequency. Listeners can check out the station web site at Because the station operates with a directional antenna, the major area of increased coverage is southern Lawrence County, but the entire world can listen on the Web."

The station broadcasts adult top music, the Wilmington Area High School and Westminster College football games, plus local news. Non profit organizations can e-mail information on events to

Contact Barner at (724) 946-7239 or e-mail for more information.

WWNW Titan Radio Tower