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Westminster College Hosting Spectroscopy Seminar Nov. 2-3

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Posted on Friday, October 20, 2006

Westminster College is hosting a seminar about Laser-induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Thursday-Friday, Nov. 2-3, beginning at 9 a.m. each day at Hoyt Science Resources Center, room 357.

"The seminar will introduce you to the concepts of modular laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, an exciting technique for broadband, high-resolution spectral analysis of solids, solutions and gases," said Dan Willoughby, seminar presenter from Ocean Optics. "All attendees will have an opportunity to analyze samples using the LIBS equipment on hand."

"The seminar is geared toward all science professionals, including chemistry teachers, interested in learning about LIBS," said Dr. Helen Boylan, Westminster College assistant professor of chemistry. "All participants, as well as students in our chemistry analysis course, will be able to have hands-on opportunities with the instrumentation."

"Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is a contemporary technique for the rapid analysis for metals in a variety of sample types," Boylan said. "No sample preparation is required, and it is minimally destructive to the sample."

Also speaking at the seminar is Ocean Optics Applications Scientist Bob Kearton. Lunch and refreshments will be provided at this free, two-day seminar hosted by the Westminster College Chemistry Department.

Contact Boylan at (724) 946-6293 or e-mail for more information.