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International Film Series Continues at Westminster College

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Posted on Thursday, September 30, 2004

The Jake Erhardt International Film Series presents
"The Wedding Banquet" Tuesday, Oct.19, at 7 p.m. in the Sebastian Mueller Theater located in the McKelvey Campus Center.

  "This funny, film is about Wei-Tung, a gay Taiwanese-American happily living in New York with his partner, Simon," said Dr. Deborah Mitchell, associate professor of English and public relations at Westminster College.  "But when Wei-Tung's parents, who know nothing of their son's sexual orientation, keep pressuring him to marry, Simon suggests a marriage of convenience to a young Chinese girl looking for a green card.  The results are mayhem."

"It's a great example of Ang Lee's stunning visual style, who also directed 'Crouching Tiger,' 'Hidden Dragon' and 'Sense and Sensibility,'" Mitchell added.

The International Film Series was recently named in honor of its founder, Dr. Jacob Erhardt, professor emeritus of German at Westminster College.  Erhardt, who taught at Westminster from 1968 until his retirement in 2004, served as chair of his department from 1970-1986, was named the Language Educator of the Year by the Pennsylvania State Modern Languages Association, translated into English Robert Reitzel's Adventures of a Greenhorn, and was recognized by the National Endowment for the Humanities as an outstanding member.

The event, which is part of an eight-film series, is free and open to the public

For more information, contact Mitchell at (724) 946-7030 or e-mail