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Students Receive Grants to Present Research

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Posted on Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Four Westminster College students received Drinko Center grants to present their research at the American Chemical Society National Conference and at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference in Chicago, March 25-29.

"Enhancing opportunities for undergraduate research is an important component of the work of the Drinko Center in enriching undergraduate education," said Dr. Virginia Tomlinson, Westminster College associate professor of sociology and director of the Drinko Center. "The Undergraduate Research Initiative provides funding for students to conduct research and to present their research at regional and national conferences."

The following Westminster College students have recently received undergraduate travel and presentation grants.

Wexford, PA
Valerie Kokai is a daughter of John and Linda Kokai. Kokai, a senior chemistry major, is a graduate of North Allegheny High School. She will present her work "Toward Soy-based Dental Composite Materials" at the American Chemical Society National Conference.

Greensburg, PA
Kyle Schuyler is a son of James and Marjorie Schuyler. Schuyler, a senior biochemistry major, is a graduate of Greater Latrobe High School. He will present his work "Synthesis of N-(2-hydroxyphenyl)-N', N'-bis-(2-(2-hydroxyphenyl) amino-ethyl)-ethane 1, 2-diamine for Bonding to Lanthanide Ions" at the American Chemical Society National Conference and at the Midwestern Psychological Association Annual Conference.

Cranberry Twp., PA
Andrew Starosta is a son of George and Linda Starosta. Starosta, a senior chemistry major, is a graduate of Seneca Valley High School. He will present his work "Novel Method for the Tritiation of Photoactivatable Ligands" at the American Chemical Society National Conference.

Hubbard, OH
Joelle Wells is a daughter of Raymond and Barbara R. Wells. Wells, a senior chemistry major, is a graduate of Hubbard High School. She will present her work "Rain Repellant Interference with Automotive Glass Filler Adhesion" at the American Chemical Society National Conference.

Canton, OH
Amy Wirtz is a daughter of Lynn and Tom Wirtz. Wirtz, a senior chemistry major, is a graduate of Canton McKinley High School. She will present her work "Extraction of Lactic Acid From Aqueous Solution Using Ionic Liquids with Trialkylamine and Tetraalkylammonium Salt Based Extractants" at the American Chemical Society National Conference.

Contact Tomlinson at (724) 946-6097 or e-mail for more information.