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Westminster College Hosting Choral Adjudication Festival

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Posted on Thursday, March 1, 2007

Westminster College will host the Choral Adjudication Festival Thursday, March 15, from 9 a.m.-noon.

"Five schools are scheduled to come and bring their concert choirs to perform for three judges," said Dr. Robin Lind, director of choral activities, associate professor of music, and coordinator of this event at Westminster College. "Each school sings three songs and the judges make written and spoken comments about their performance. They speak into a tape recorder while the choir is singing and this is given to the choir's director. Also, I will be working with each choir for about five minutes, following their performance."

The schools participating include: Wilmington Area High School and director Karen Latta; West Middlesex High School and director Karen Emmett; Greenville High School and director Lisa Demarest; Slippery Rock High School and director Heather Groves; and Beaver (Ohio) Local High School and director Sean Taylor.

The judges include: Kris Harper, William Ambert, and Edgar Groves, all Westminster College music faculty.

Contact Lind at (724) 946-7278 or e-mail for more information.