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Dr. Dale E. Galloway To Speak

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Posted on Monday, March 12, 2007

Dr. Dale E. Galloway, dean of Asbury Theological Seminary's Beeson International Center for Biblical Preaching and Church Leadership, will give two seminars Monday, March 26, from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. at the Witherspoon Rooms in the Westminster College McKelvey Campus Center.

The morning seminar will be "Leading Through Change and Transition," and the afternoon seminar will be "How to Move a Church from Maintenance to Mission."

Galloway has served as pastor at four churches, two of which he started. He received international recognition as an innovative pacesetter, especially in leadership development and small groups. Galloway has authored 21 books including On-Purpose Leadership, Starting a New Church, and Taking Risks in Ministry. He graduated from Olivet University and Nazarene Theological Seminary and was honored with a doctorate from Western Evangelical Seminary.

The seminars are part of Westminster's continuing education opportunities for pastors and churches.

Refreshments and fellowship will begin at 8:30 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon. Contact Diane Gabriel in the Office of the Chaplain and Church Relations at (724) 946-7117 or e-mail at for more information.