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Tenor to Give Junior Capstone Recital March 31

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Posted on Monday, March 26, 2007

Tenor William McCullough, a Westminster College music performance major from DuBois, will present his junior capstone recital Saturday, March 31, at 3 p.m. in Wallace Memorial Chapel. The event is free and open to the public.

His program includes: Bellini's "Tre Ariette;" Schubert's "Gesänge des Harfners, Op. 12, D. 478;" Quilter's "From Three Songs, Op. 3" and "June;" FauUe's "Nell, Op. 18, No. 1;" Tosti's "Malia;" and Burns' "A Red, Red Rose." The program will be accompanied by Kathryn Miller, Westminster College adjunct music faculty member.

McCullough is a son of William and Suzanne McCullough, DuBois, and a graduate of DuBois Area High School. He was the winner of Westminster's first concerto and aria competition his freshman year and the winner of the National Association of Teachers of Singing Tri-State regional in his sophomore year. His performances at Westminster's Opera Workshop have included the roles of Zuniga in Carmen and Gabriel von Eisenstein in Die Fledermaus. He is also an active performer in the Men's Chorus, Concert Choir, Chamber Singers, Symphonic Band and Titan Marching Band. McCullough played the role of Nicely-Nicely Johnson in Theatre Westminster's Guys and Dolls. Outside Westminster College, McCullough is a member of the choirs at the First Presbyterian Church and Cathedral of St. Columba of Youngstown, Ohio. He serves as the chapter advocate of Westminster's Pennsylvania Collegiate Music Educators Association and the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity.

Contact the Westminster College Department of Music at (724) 946-7270 for more information.